If its yellow let it mellow, if its brown.....(you finish the saying)
Over the past several years in business our company has found somesurprising objects clogging toilets. Back in the day when toiletsflushed over three gallons of water on a single flush, most objects would sneakby. Now a days, being that most toilets only flush under 1.5 gallons of water,most foreign items get caught up in the trap of the toilet. The onlyitem supposed to be flushed down the toilet is two-ply toilet paper.Heavy toilet paper like three ply plus easily clogs the toilet.Some interesting items we have pulled out from toilet include: Creditcards, wallets, tooth brushes, toilet paper holder, jewelry, glasses,denchers, kids toys, small travel shampoo and soap bottles, golf balls,tennis balls, marbles, remotes, batteries, cell phones, head phones, silverware and the list goes on and on. When encountering a clogged toilet don't make the problem worse by handling it yourself. By forcingthe object down into the stack line it could possibly make the problem worse and cost more money to repair. Call the professionals that handle these problems daily.