Fix a Leak Week has Finally Arrived!

Having a leak in your home, or office, is never fun. Its important to have leaks checked out and repaired as soon as possible, since they tend to get worse over time.The most common places to have a leak are toilets, faucets and laundry tubs.Did you know that an American home can waste 10,000 gallons of water each year? Think about how much that little leak is adding to your water bill! Can you imagine the money you’d save if you repaired your issues when first detected the problem?Leaks can be decieving. If you try to fix the leak yourself just to save a few bucks you may run the risk of turning it into a thousand dollar problem. Leave it to the professionals.Hire Ken’s Sewer Service to check out your leaks and start saving your money for things that matter. One trillion gallons of water is wasted in the US each year. Imagine what you could do with the money you can save on your water bill.Like us on Facebook


The Cool, New Sink


Granite Sinks vs. Stainless Steel Sinks