Does your sewer line give you problems?

Each and every day we get calls from clients that have a clogged or plugged sewer line. Most of the time it's tree roots that keep coming back. Once our company cleans your sewer line property we suggest having preventative maintenance on your line annually. If a severe issue arises our company as well can preform video camera sewer line inspection. Our clients that have their sewer line professional cleaned are far happier then those clients who choose to wait. Cleaning your sewer drain before a back-up occurs will also save on your pocket book.Having your sewer line cleaned yearly will slow down root growth from breaking your pipe apart even further. Scale is another source of debris that develops throughout the entire year in your sewer line. When scale has a chance to harden it will also take time to smooth down the inside of your pipe. The only way to get rid of roots is by excavation but most people don't want to spend the thousands of dollars until they truly need to.Call Ken's Sewer Service for any drain cleaning questions.Friend Us on Facebook for great blogs/tip and discounts!Are gift to you is 10% off your next cleaning. Feel free to share stories from your past sewer drain issues.


Wordless Wednesday!


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