Plumbing clutter can be so inconvenient at times

This picture was taken from one of our clients homes. The red square is pointing to where the main sewer stack line goes. The clean-out to access this drain line is at the bottom of the pipe. This client has no floor clean-out in the home and we would have to remove the water heater just to clean the sewer line if they were to ever clog up. In this situation a floor clean out should be installed or an outside clean out should in installed. We suggested this be done before the line backs-up and to have the line inspected with camera technology. Talk about cluttered and inconvenient.Call Ken's Sewer Service for any of your plumbing or drain cleaning needs.Friend Us On Facebook!Please share any plumbing stories with us here or on our Facebook page.


Ken's Sewer Service of Minneapolis


Wordless Wednesday!