Do you own real estate and live out of town?

If you own real estate and live out of town you have to be on top of your game.Property is worth money and you don't want disasters to happen if they can be prevented. Make sure to have a run down list that you check off yearly for all your rental properties. By neglecting your main sewer line, drippy faucets, furnace and more you can 100% be prepared for larger bills in the future.Let's try and keep your cost as low as possible.Call Ken's Sewer Service to help with all your plumbing drain and sewer cleaning needs. Being in business since 1974 we know what needs to get done yearly.We treat out of town owners with respect and honestly. Check out yelp, angie's list and our testimonial page.We look forward to hearing from you.Friend Us On Facebook!


Wordless Wednesday!


Ken's Sewer Service