3rd Generation Plumbing Company

Having being apart of a company that has been around for almost 40 years is very special. There is so much over a 40 year span that changes in business. For example back in 1974 branch lines (smaller drain pipes) would cost around $45 to clean out, now there over $130 to unclogged. Other "bigger" named companies do the same exact work on main sewer lines and charge anywhere from $269-$569 for only the first hour of labor, kinda pricey if you ask me.Having a relationship with a plumbing and drain cleaning company comes in handy especially when you own your own property. A truthful company would want your business for life and would treat you well, as to other companies over charging you and never seeing you again. Our company has clients dating all the way back to 1974 when Ken's Sewer Service just opened their doors.Minneapolis/St. Paul is a great city to service clients being that our highway system is amazing. Being able to cover such a large area and several suburbs with only having to drive 45 minute. If it wasn't for the wonderful highway system the twin cities service business wouldn't be as good and desirable to run.Ken's Sewer Service has helped several thousands of clients over the years. Over the past five years alone our company has saved clients over $1,000,000 in repair work.This week we helped a client open their sewer line after not having cleaned in over 10 years. Though it took several hours to clean thick tree roots from their sewer system we saved them for digging. Taking an entire day to open their sewer line we saved the client over $7500 on excavation costs.Each and every week we have several satisfying jobs to look back on and feel accomplished. We look forward to the following week being able to help out other clients. Thank you again to everyone who has supported Ken's Sewer Service and continues to support and use our services.We can't thank you more then referring our name out to all your family members and friends. Don't let your friend get stuck hiring the wrong company. Let's all help out each other.


When you hire a drain cleaning company how are you sure they clean to the city sewer?


Wordless Wednesday!